Lifeline Paths - Connecting in the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve
When paths paint landscape pictures

The gentle hilly landscape and the wide view axes inspire many visitors during hikes in the Bliesgau. In contrast, a special feature of the cultural landscape often remains unrecognized: the traces of a tradition of path building using the stone deposits of an original marine landscape - the shell limestone. This very own tradition has developed in this region since Roman times and was preserved until about 50 years ago.
The created paths have painted significant veins of unmistakable lime-beige color into the landscape and likewise supported vital cycles between man, nature and landscape. The predominant technique of paving paths was "stitching", i.e. making a composite of selected shell limestones. In this way, a network of paths has grown by human hand on the sunken paths of the Romans and the Middle Ages. However, in recent decades they have been gradually losing their landscape-defining appearance due to over-shaping measures.

The rediscovery and revitalization is worthwhile if only to direct the eye in the future to one of the cultural-historical subtleties in the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve, in addition to distant and deep views. "Lebensadern Wege" therefore describes a future-oriented model project whose goals can be defined in a short formula as follows:
Produce appearance of paths with native shell limestone (or in the red sandstone regions with adequate alternatives) - Revive cycles based on regional material extraction - Preserve valuable historical path embroideries as "soil quotations" within the framework of employment policy measures - Preserve commemorative culture of an almost forgotten artisanal path construction technique - Raise awareness of other design features of limestone economy (applies analogously to the topic of red sandstone in the corresponding regions) such as. e.g. house forecourts, dry stone walling, house construction - Promote interests between agriculture/
The sponsor of the project "Lifeline Paths" is the Local Action Group Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau. Cooperation partners are the Regional Association of Saarbrücken and the Saarpfalz-Kreis.
Allies, municipal building authorities, SaarForst, hunting cooperatives, trail owners, farmers and tour operators are invited to participate in this trail alliance and to "show their colors" for our trails and for the habitat to be preserved - Biosphäre Bliesgau.

Under the title "Lifeline Paths - Connecting in the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve", a comprehensive information brochure was published back in 2011. The idea generator and author is Peter Michael Lupp from the Saarbrücken Regional Association, whose focus as a regional developer is cultural heritage as a building block of identity-creating and nature-compatible tourism.
The richly illustrated publication provides information about the cultural-historical background of the development of road construction, but also about the importance of the lime industry in this region. The knowledge and memories of many people involved in the process to date have been incorporated. In addition, road building techniques and sources of supply for shell limestone are described.
Unfortunately, this brochure is currently out of print due to high demand. We are working on a reprint. However, it is possible to view the brochure as a PDF.

LAG Biosphärenreservat Bliesgau e.V.
Regional Manager LEADER Funding
Hans-Ulrich Thalhofer
Tel. +49 681 / 5809-178
Saarpfalz district administration
Expert advice
Achim Jesel
Phone +49 68 41 / 104-8406
Saarpfalz district administration
Project management LAG
Torsten Czech
Phone +49 68 41 / 104-8456
Saarbrücken Regional Association
Regional Development Concept, Expert Advice [soil citations]
Peter Michael Lupp
Tel. +49 681 / 506-6060
The project is supported in terms of employment by the following qualification companies:
Center for Education and Career Saar gGmbH (ZBB)
Non-profit Society for Work and Qualification in the Saarpfalz District mbH (AQUIS)