Mobile - UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau

Find instrument and emblem for sustainable lifestyles

🡪 Methodology for IdeaLabs

By Peter Michael Lupp, Cultural Officer Regional Association Saarbrücken

Mobile mit Zetteln


The earth as the habitat of mankind is threatened. Above all, human beings themselves are in the process of upsetting the ecological balance of this system, which is so important for their survival, and devaluing the ethical foundations that are necessary for the survival of society, thus additionally contributing to a destabilization of the entire system. Being human on this planet in the affluent states of the present seems to mean largely achievement, consumption and self-optimization. Corporate culture is almost exclusively about growth and efficiency, these predominantly serve the goal of profitability. In just two generations, man has become the greatest force of nature, shaping nature in ways never before seen. [We live in the age of the Anthropocene, a geochronological epoch so named because humans have become one of the most important influencers of biological, geological, and atmospheric processes on Earth]. The driving force for overexploitation is greed, which drives humans to burnout despite overprovision. The mantra of unlimited growth has long since taken root in our minds. Mankind currently consumes about 74 percent more resources each year than the earth can regenerate and thus sustainably provide within this period. In this context, the Living Planet Index records a 68 percent decline in biodiversity over the past decades. On average, the number of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish studied has thus more than halved. Parallel to this, the ethical foundations of an inter-ethnic responsibility for an ecologically sustainable future of the earth and that of the next generations are losing importance, thus preventing peaceful coexistence in the present. Millions of people worldwide are on the run, out of fear of war or because they have no perspective for a meaningful life in their homeland. A senseless war is currently raging on the border of Europe in Ukraine.

What happened? Why do we keep being driven by a relentless pursuit of our own advantage? After us the deluge? Why have we forgotten those ceremonies that allow us to find our way back to ourselves and enable us to create a good, i.e. sustainable and contented life? To celebrate life with gratitude and to pass on this "conditio humana" [i.e., the humanistic foundation of life] to the next generation? The current Corona crisis likewise reflects this scenario.

Doomsday mood?

Hopefully not! Maybe it is not too late to avoid a successive collapse of the earth by the overexploitation with the human and natural resources of this planet. Although this scenario seems to want to force us in a different direction, there is a spark of hope from "germ cells" that network together to think ahead and by virtue of their soulfulness to "good life" inspire and transform others. For this, we need faith in the global we and, above all, a sense of what people feel when they develop compassion.

It will depend on what standards we set for being human in the future. In order to define a global ethical foundation, it will be necessary to create new spaces for communication and thought in which the basic pillars of ethical and responsible action are balanced and defined. A central task in shaping the foundation of these "pillars" will be the recovery of a collective spirituality that does not exclude a spiritual dimension but places it at the center in the process of maturing. There is no sense dimension that could allow more scope for an ecological and ethically sustainable consciousness. Hermann Hesse called this sense dimension of spirituality the "unity behind the opposites". Without it, the gateway to a sustainable interplay of "man and biosphere" will hardly be openable. This attitude results in the current economic systems or cycles in the so-called **"Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie"**which generates as much benefit as possible - in every respect and for as many people as possible - and builds on it. Based on an ethical, socio-ecological set of values, it is seen as the future-oriented lever for change at the economic, political, social and ecological levels.

In the following, using the example of the goals and visions of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau, a model and experimental field is presented that has already been tested for over ten years as a "finding instrument" in coexistence with the traditional development strategies in this habitat in smaller contexts.

[The process took a process-oriented course in 2011. The continuous sharpening and development of the project repeatedly addresses the question of the element that dissolves the rigid systems resistant to change. Despite all reservations, previous experiences made with the methodology within groups, but also by individuals, indicate that changes are emerging through the exercise with the Finde instrument Mobile Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau. Definitely, the awareness and the very own creative power of all participants could be activated with it in order to generate more sustainable ways of living].

The deeper meaning of this strategy lies in becoming and not necessarily in achieving the intended goals. This "finding tool" is - adapted to the respective specifics of the habitats - also easily applicable to other UNESCO biosphere reserves!

In search of the balance between man, culture and nature - UNESCO biosphere reserves

The ethical and cultural principles according to which we want to shape living space for the future essentially outline the research mandate that UNESCO gives to the worldwide biosphere reserves for regional research work. These survival questions are alive in our midst and concern each and every one of us in the present! In essence, it is about bringing ecology, sustainable forms of business, cultural education for sustainable development and applied ethics - in the sense of the elemental force of a spiritual mindset - into a stabilizing and synergetic impact context.

From birth, people learn from role models. UNESCO therefore designates habitats with special resources worldwide in order to test sustainable forms of life for people and nature in an exemplary manner. Basic ideas for this were already woven into the visions of Agenda 2021 [1992 at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro]. Agenda 2030 [September 25, 2015 at a United Nations summit in New York], in conjunction with the Paris Climate Agreement [December 2015], continued these visions. 193 member states adopted 17 global goals for sustainable development, known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

\u201The 2030 Agenda stands for a new global understanding of prosperity that goes beyond a narrow view of per capita income. It is about transforming economies toward sustainable development, for example through responsible consumption and production patterns and clean and affordable energy. It becomes clear that climate policy, sustainable development, and poverty reduction are inextricably intertwined...\u201c

It is an attempt to take into account the different national circumstances, opportunities and levels of development and to open up options for action that should apply equally to all countries. The essence of these goals is to become effective in an exemplary manner in selected areas at the regional level. The recognition as a biosphere reserve is therefore closely linked to a citizen-oriented research mission on how a balance for man, culture and nature, which is necessary for survival, can be permanently achieved. The goal of the UNESCO biosphere reserves is to set this vision in motion, to balance it and to interconnect it with inspiring and everyday examples in interaction with the respective special features of selected habitats on this planet.

The key to this is knowledge exchange as well as creative lateral and further thinking on how sustainable and thus ethically viable, future-oriented forms of life or business can be generated using the example of the specific topics of the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve. The hope is to move from experimentation and increased knowledge to action. This is supported by the search for the reason for existence, the joy of pausing and wanting to find answers to ethical and philosophical questions. It is extremely exciting and inspiring to unreservedly trace and in this way get to know Socrates, Pythagoras, Plato, Confucius, Rudolf Steiner, and Gottlieb Duttweiler, who accompanied us in this "art of the way". These masterminds emphasize that we are on earth to ensure our further development and to view life as an initiation process. It is important to recognize this guiding vision as a law of the "world soul" and to integrate it into our daily lives if at all possible. Everyone is jointly responsible for the whole and everyone must start with himself!

Knowledge blocks

  1. What is a biosphere reserve?

    The term biosphere (Greek, βίος bíos 'life' and σφαίρα sphaira 'sphere') refers to the space with life of a celestial body (source: This "globe of life" Earth is a unique space with a wide variety of habitats, cultures and peoples of humanity as well as non-human species, many of which are synergistically interrelated. BIOSPHERE (habitats) RESERVATE (preserve) means to protect and preserve the abundance and life-giving qualities on our Earth - Creation - in the present and for future generations, as well as to ensure the ethical foundation necessary for this within the cultures and peoples of this planet through education about cultural and sustainable development.

    In 1970, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) established the biosphere reserves. They are an essential part of the program "Man and Biosphere" with the aim of developing and testing a compatible and lasting coexistence of man and nature through exemplary measures. By September 2020, 701 biosphere reserves had been established on our planet in 127 countries. The biosphere reserves protect and preserve the natural habitats of man and nature. The global objective is the renewal of the world community, which establishes an ethical basis in place of an unthinking domination of nature by humans and ensures an ecologically and ethically sustainable coexistence between humans and towards nature.

    Biosphere reserves - regions with specific characteristics and resources - have been selected worldwide in which sustainable living and management are tested and researched under real conditions. BIOSPHERES (habitats) RESERVATES (preserve) are therefore considered "ideaLabors" for sustainable development that disseminate their findings regionally and supraregionally in an exemplary manner.

    Source: EUROPARC mission statement (umbrella organization of national parks, UNESCO biosphere reserves and national parks, national natural landscapes,
  2. What are the special features of the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve?

    In 2009, the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve was the 15th region in Germany to be accepted by UNESCO into this worldwide network of biosphere reserves. With an area of 36,152 hectares, the Bliesgau region is located in southeastern Saarland. At one of the interfaces of Europe, the German and French cultures meet here. This habitat, directly on the border with France (Lorraine), today belongs to the greater region of Saarland-Lorraine-Luxembourg (Saar-Lor-Lux). One of the special characteristics of this old cultural landscape is its relatively urban character with a population density above the national average. Urban, rural and natural spaces, crossed by the watercourse of the Blies, are on the threshold of a fruitful interaction. Thousands of years of human use have created interlocking habitats that are among the richest in species in Europe. The diversity of the landscape with an interlocking of various large and small habitats is characteristic. On the shell limestone soils of the Bliesgau, one can admire almost half of the orchid species found in Germany. Traditional, extensive agriculture can still be clearly seen here today in the small-parcel, partly hedge-lined fields and fields. The landscape is characterized by limestone semi-arid grasslands, extensive, lean lowland meadows, beech forests on shell limestone as well as on red sandstone and the floodplain landscape, especially of the Blies. In the north, the striking change to the red sandstone with urban structures and extensive beech forests. There is an above-average density of significant habitat types and species in the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve, which is due not least to the valuable, extensive orchard meadows - with a large population of apple trees. Among the animal species that have found a home again in the Bliesgau are storks and beavers.

The ethical/ecological dimension: CONSCIOUSNESS

The presented specific characteristics offer, in interaction with the global problems, a possibility for a strategic, local exploration and model-like, sustainable further development of the habitat biosphere reserve Bliesgau. However, before people (or companies, etc.) can develop more conscious living habits or corporate strategies in addition to knowledge, it is necessary to reflect on one's own behavior in everyday life in order to develop and establish new, sustainable options for action in the action radii on the most diverse levels. A awareness for these interrelationships, a knowledge, understanding and being inspired, which ultimately also brings about corresponding action, takes place on two levels that are closely related:

  1. "Which spirit child am I or are we?" Against the background of the disappearance of standards, the conscious realization of the individual, personal, ethical attitude and how it is applied in the context of one's own life or in relation to society and the preservation of our living space is of central importance. In the exploration and clarification of the dimension of meaning as the basis of an applied ethics in everyday life, lies the real chance of humanity and the power to initiate the transformation that is necessary for survival. In this context, understanding spiritual experiences and insights as pathfinders, which ultimately make the fullness of creation and the meaning of the human task of living more comprehensible, therefore forms the essence on the track of sustainable ways of life. An approach to this experience goes hand in hand with the search for the way to one's own inwardness, requires mostly the learning of pausing, of immersion and a gradual deepening of the language of compassion and insight. However, this contemplative approach does not mean a withdrawal from the world, quite the opposite. Access to a spiritual world is always also a path to center and freedom. The approach to this basic substance of "way art" - against all fears of contact within the current social zeitgeist - provides the breeding ground for the unfolding of a [non-denominational] spirituality within our society. This overarching research mission forms the most important field of action [cf. 1. "Commandment" Ethics].
  2. The knowledge of one's own personal resource consumption, the so-called "ecological footprint". "ecological footprint". This concretely representable or visualizable knowledge inspires a great deal of rethinking and new thinking. The website, for example, offers a self-test. [It would be important to install such a self-test for one's own "ecological footprint" for private individuals, public institutions and companies also on the website of the Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau and the associated cities and municipalities or all cooperation partners!]

The Strategy - Idea Labs for Sustainable and Intellectual/Spiritual Development

The concrete application of the finding tool "Mobile - UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau" can be brought to bear in the context of seminars [IdeaLabs for Sustainable Development] at the most diverse interfaces in the Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau. People with their everyday tasks and projects are invited to release their creative powers in order to develop common solutions by means of a creative methodology, to harmonize both humanity and living space and thus to bring them into a moving balance. Target groups are municipalities, companies, educational institutions, associations, cultural institutions, private individuals, etc. Results from the laboratory work at these interfaces can be fed into regional development strategies and communicated and exchanged within the network of biosphere reserves worldwide. This creative discussion and interaction of specific regional topics offers the opportunity to responsibly shape the future of our planet through impulses from our microcosm and to set an example for other model regions.

"The ten commandments" - Ten topics focus in ideas labs in the Bliesgau biosphere reserve

As an example, ten topics or fields of action can be derived from the special features of the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve. All of them are of great importance in a specific way for a sustainable development and thus for the preservation of the balance in our habitat which is necessary for survival.

The topics of ethics and culture (1+2) form the elementary basis for further research work in the remaining eight fields of action. In a creative examination of these "Ten Commandments", new impulses can be gained in IdeasLabs, which enable almost every public, entrepreneurial or private initiative in the Bliesgau biosphere reserve to make the mission of the UNESCO biosphere reserves comprehensible and understandable on a broad level and, above all, to bring it to life in everyday life. A broad impact results from a continuous generation of ever new IdeaLabs on the most diverse topics and projects, which are supervised by professional moderators, as well as accompanied by targeted public relations work and then presented to the citizens as "research results".

Symbol and methodology within the IdeasLabs: The "Mobile Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau"

The art of keeping your balance in motion

Human existence is, by and large, a subsystem of the Earth biosphere. Being human means a healthy balance between body and mind in harmony with our nurturing habitat, which must be preserved and in which it is possible for man to develop. It is about the union of the determinants of human life imposed by nature: striving and respecting. However, this can only succeed if, as in nature, the forces move in a fruitful and synergetic coexistence and balance each other again and again.

A wonderful image presents itself for this system: a mobile that makes its play with the wind in the movement "tanzend and translates the preservation of our living space on the basis of ten essential themes of the present into a moving and renewing togetherness. Measure + center find themselves playfully. The "Mobile Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau" therefore stands as a symbol for the vision that people keep their life plans, ideas and projects in motion and balance them in a creative interplay for the ethical and ecological stabilization of their living and development space. The topics and resulting fields of action then naturally change with the different formations and needs of the various cultural landscapes on this planet and form the reservoir of thought [think tank] in the search to balance economic concerns with social and ecological interests.

Likewise, this symbol symbolizes the methodology of a creative finding instrument, with which ideas, concepts, model projects or initiatives can be generated in the Ideas Laboratories in interaction with the special features, resources and specifics of the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve.

The "Ten Commandments"

The "research assignment" in the IdeasLabs is to use a concrete example to develop individual ideas, concepts, projects or initiatives that lead to an exemplary, more sustainable form of business or life. In the "IdeenLabor", ten current focal topics or fields of action of the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve are illuminated in order to derive references to the respective ideas, concepts, projects or initiatives with a spirit of research, imagination and sensitivity. Involuntarily, connections become clear, how a good life can look like for everyone, but especially for those responsible. The "good life" has been the highest good for the individual as well as for society since ancient times. In this context, it becomes a meaningful, inspiring design engine in everyday life. What applies to the survival of the earth's systems applies equally to the soul and spirit of each and every one of us. Only a moving feeling between polarities allows us to be balanced and coherent and to act accordingly. Only a moving thinking leads to really new insights. Superordinate and connecting fields of action or topics form commandments I+II.

  1. Applied ethics
    We are deeply connected to our living space and stand for a value-oriented and ethically shaped way of life. Spirituality as a spiritual attitude and life practice provides the key to this, creates an access to the spiritual world and forms the basis for responsible action.

    Here lies the real "treasure" of a new guiding culture within our society. Personal responsibility in the sense of charity for people among themselves, for nature and for creation as a whole demands actively training and constantly sharpening one's own "ground of soul" and provides the greatest nutrient source of human satisfaction, better "contentment". The time has become overripe for gathering people between polarities in that center which enables them to recognize their destiny and to assume co-responsibility, also beyond their own life horizon. To this end, people across denominational lines need access to the primordial religious experience, transcendence and spirituality. Inspiration, consolation, public spirit, ritual and prayer are essential features of our great occidental tradition, which is being lost through concentration on natural sciences and efficiency. The recovery of a stabilizing ethic is about the path of man to his roots, to the fulfillment of his destiny. Only those who embark on this inner path can sense what remains hidden from normal, socially controlled life. A serious and penetrating illumination of this subject can give people that deep inner attitude and conviction in the first place, which as a "meta-attitude" automatically also brings with it a sustainable way of life. In the formation and awareness of a spiritual attitude, people also develop a desire for responsibility for creation and a willingness to participate in the sustainable design of living spaces. The time has come to make an ethical disposition oriented towards this the starting point and center of meaning of the inner path of regional and global development. In this context, the "command ethics" in interaction with culture forms an elementary field of research, the results of which subsequently become relevant within all topics!

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative...
    🡪 ... screens all fields of action for ethical aspects and impulses that enrich your project.
    🡪 ... uses the possibility of meditative practice to get to the bottom of the questions.
    🡪 ... is based on a guiding principle that you define in advance from an ethical point of view and that is further refined in the course of the process, providing orientation for you and others.
    🡪 ... consciously also seeks a form of expression of the spiritual dimension (rituals, prayer, meditation, philosophy, hikes, image contemplations, readings...) that is intrinsically in harmony with your inner being and connects you with the spiritual world. For this purpose, spiritual teachers of your choice can also be consulted. (In meditation, an inner state begins to live in the soul, in which opposites gradually dissolve).
    🡪 ... promotes mindful and respectful interaction with people and nature as well as regional resources and is given fundamental consideration in all fields of action.
    🡪 ... looks for ways to return a "value service" to society as a contribution of a social economy.

  2. Culture
    We promote inner cohesion and cultural identity and use creative lateral thinking and artistic interventions as impulses for change.

    Culture - the shared experiences, orientations and convictions - forms the cohesion in a society and is based on the ethical dimension. It provides meaning and is nourished by discourse with the creative. It provides the public with the opportunity to see questions of meaning not only from a rational or academic perspective, but also from the perspective of being human as a creative, sociocultural togetherness. Visual arts, music, drama, literature, philosophy inspire this most effective "agency of meaning-making"! They make a significant contribution to ignite an ecological communication and to provide the corresponding "images of thought" for this!

    Commandments I and II are overarching. They form the basic prerequisites or building blocks of the other commandments and have an impact on all fields of action.

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative...
    🡪 ... refers to the cultural identity of this region.
    🡪 ... involves contributions, e.g. from art, poetics, literature or philosophy to the shaping of the process or its realization.
    🡪 ... makes contributions to cultural education and the internal cohesion of society.
    🡪 ... integrates experienced process facilitators from artistic disciplines and uses the language of art to create mental images of sustainable ways of life.

  3. Climate protection and energy

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative
    🡪 ... promotes the use of renewable energies.
    🡪 ... operates with maximum energy efficiency.

  4. Education for sustainable development

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative...
    🡪 ... promotes the ability to reflect on what has been learned and to implement it in sustainable thinking and action in everyday life.

  5. Demographic change

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative...
    🡪 ... takes into account the already existing effects of demographic change and/or even picks up on them synergetically.
    🡪 ... is suitable for counteracting demographic change in an exemplary manner.

  6. Sustainable management

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative...
    🡪 ... is also oriented to the principles of ecology [so-called ecological economy] in terms of business management and operates with nature and not against it.
    🡪 ... is oriented to the criteria of the "common-good-economy", which places the participation of the economy in the common good in the foreground. This also includes ecological sustainability.

  7. Urban-rural relationship: we use and create synergies between our urban and our rural part of the region.

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative...
    🡪 ... promotes exchange between urban and rural areas of the region.
    🡪 ... links city and countryside conceptually.
    🡪 ... focuses specifically on the respective strengths of urban and rural areas.

  8. Cultural landscape: We shape sustainable living space respectfully in dealing with our cultural and natural heritage.

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative...
    🡪 ... contributes to the preservation of the cultural landscape through its economic valorization.

  9. Biodiversity: We preserve nature and landscape and their biodiversity for their own value and as a basis for human life and health in the long term.

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative...
    🡪 ... is fundamentally characterized by a mindful approach to existing ecosystems.
    🡪 ... promotes the preservation of existing cultural landscape ecosystems.

  10. Cross-border cooperation: We gain identity and inspiration in the interaction with our neighbors at a crossroads in Europe.

    Your idea/concept/project or initiative...
    🡪 ... promotes cross-border thinking and business.
    🡪 ... promotes the valorization of the varied history of the region.

IdeasLab "Mobile Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau" - Methodology

The research mission in the IdeenLabor "Mobile Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau" follows a methodology whose application is instrumental in finding results that can truly transform! The elementary basic materials for the research assignment and experiments in the IdeasLabs are the ten fields of action presented. People will be invited to get to know the topics better in order to develop a "Mobile Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau" as a model for sustainable ways of living or doing business for their own company, project or living environment.

The methodology is to first engage with the precepts of ethics and culture without resentment and to deepen this theme. Only when a readiness for inner growth and change becomes perceptible in this sensitive and empathetic process and this can be formulated in a central idea, does the process continue. With this central idea, every single further commandment or field of action is then illuminated. With a lot of creativity and humor, the aim of all the " commandments" is to look for a very concrete reference to the individual project, plan, undertaking [also in private life if desired]. Naturally, there will always be focal points. However, the illumination of all "Gebote", even if at first glance no direct reference to the project can be established, is absolutely necessary! Every association and idea counts. This requires a serious examination of the content of the respective field of action through inquiring minds, creativity, the joy of experimentation and humor!

Comparable with an orchestra it is not only about the single instrument alone, but about the interaction! The orchestra is conducted by ethics and culture. The new ideas and initiatives in the individual fields of action form the "concert". The symbol of the mobile is brought to life with the concrete contents and ideas and comes into motion, dances and moves. Little by little it becomes clear what unimagined synergy can be triggered by seeing and working together on the individual themes! The almost invisible thread that holds them together is the connecting line that can be fed into the world network via one's own living space and resonates with them.

In this poetic way, even the layman can experience that topics and fields of action are internally interrelated, just as in nature, and together achieve a much greater degree of effectiveness, even when individual fields of action naturally form focal points. This is both a process and a laboratory. This research assignment is suitable for a wide variety of target groups and requires stamina and professional moderation in the IdeasLabs at the beginning of the process.

The underlying methodology has already proven itself in many research projects. The individual development of a Mobile Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau will therefore certainly lead to the most diverse new insights and perspectives!

Experiment + Best Practice: 20 Model Examples

For the implementation of the development strategy, 20 idea labs, in which a specific Mobile Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau is created in each case, from the most diverse areas or milieus are realized according to the presented methodology for the kick-off. This process will be implemented within one year and will be accompanied and documented by the support of experienced moderators. The results are presented and discussed with publicity.

For the kick-off experiment, 4 municipalities, 3 companies, 4 schools, 1 kindergarten, 1 hospital, 3 cultural institutions, 4 private households [variable] are selected.


Transformation arises in reality and through the courage to engage with the unfamiliar beyond comfort zones and, above all, in a spiritual dimension as the real driving force and elemental force. Only in this way can it address the zeitgeist of our society and the innermost being of each individual. Through the consistent establishment of the presented IdeaLabs, it gradually becomes comprehensible what the mission of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau is really about.

This mission is expressed individually and unmistakably in each comprehensible model example. The results are put up for discussion in order to trigger impulses for further thinking. In particular, initiatives that focus on the fields of action in an IdeasLab spiritually and artistically (e.g. through meditation, prayer, rituals or the visual and performing arts, music, etc.) can intensively inspire, deepen and spread this process!

Gradually, the most diverse "Mobiles" are becoming the driving force behind a new movement for the "good life" in the sense of sustainable and ethically viable ways of life that build bridges within our society and encourage people to set out. Quite incidentally, this campaign creates an unmistakable identification signet. The complex mission of the Bliesgau biosphere reserve "vergemeinschaftet" itself into people's everyday lives. From knowledge + experimentation, new habits of a more conscious action emerge, which is an example and model for others, even if the experiment fails for the time being or doubters still need time.

In the end, all that matters is that we shape life and habitat and how we do it and whether we have a message that contributes to the preservation of this wonderful planet.

Peter Michael Lupp
Cultural Officer Regional Association Saarbrücken
0049 681 / 506-6060

© 2022

Literature at the start of the 2011 process:
