Information and services

St. James' Paths/Chemins de St. Jacques

Hornbach - Saarbrücken
Sarreguemines - Metz

Wanderkarte für Pilger/Randonnée pédestre pour les pèlerins

Wanderkarte für Pilger

Fittingly for the Año Santo Jacobeo (Holy Compostelan Year), which was celebrated for the 119th time throughout Europe in 2010, the first cross-border hiking map for pilgrims on the cultural axis Hornbach - Saarbrücken/Sarreguemines - Metz was published. The new map series was developed by a Franco-German working group under the leadership of the Saarbrücken Regional Association on the basis of maps published by Galli Verlag.

The walking map for pilgrims is intended as a guide and appetizer and offers a lot of information for all people who want to experience the Way of St. James also in this region.

A special charm is conveyed on these two routes by the encounter of German and French culture. Many people hike the Greater Region in the footsteps of the pilgrims of St. James in order to get to know the special features of these multifaceted cultural and natural landscapes. "Border experiences", pausing for breath and encounters along the way also play a major role in pilgrimage hiking.

Wanderkarte für Pilger

This new handy walking map at a scale of 1:50,000 not only shows the exact course of the two routes, but also provides the most important background information on this unique European cultural route, which has been protected by UNESCO as an intellectual heritage site. In addition, the cultural and landscape project "Way of the Stars/Chemin des Étoiles" is presented, in the context of which waymarkers point out special features along the Camino de Santiago routes.

Further information is given on pilgrimage stamp stations, places of interest and tourist contacts. A French summary is addressed to the French friends of pilgrimage.

The new walking map for pilgrims of St. James is available in bookstores.

ISBN 978-3-936990-51-5
Price: 5,90 €

Other sources of supply

Galli Verlag+Vertrieb GmbH, Am Steinberg 1, 86558 Hohenwart, www.galli-verlag.deTel. 0049 8443 / 89 16
Saarpfalz-Touristik, www.saarpfalz-kreis.deTel. 0049 6841 / 1 04-71 74
Tourismus Zentrale Saarland GmbH, www.urlaub.saarlandTel. 0049 681 / 92 720-0
Saarbrücken Regional Association, Information Office, 0049 681 / 506-1313
Tourist Information Region Saarbrücken, www.die-region-saarbruecken.deTel. 0049 681 / 93 80 9-16

Pilgrimage hiking on the "Way of the Stars" from the cultural site Wintringer Chapel

Circular hiking trail (daily stage with approx. 20 to 28 km, 5-7 h, degree of difficulty medium with ascents)

Karte – Sternenweg

Map detail 

The map section shows the route of the southern route of the Way of St. James, which leads from Hornbach via Gräfinthal Monastery, Gut Hartungshof/Bliesransbach, cultural site Wintringer Chapel further via Auersmacher, Bad Rilchingen-Hanweiler to Sarreguemines. Via Sarreguemines you can hike to the monastery Gräfinthal and from here back to Wintringer farm. You can vary this route as you wish and you will almost always be on the Way of St. James with many wonderful vistas, sights and opportunities for a pilgrimage rest.

Stations on the way

Kleinblittersdorf, Wintringer farm, Cultural site Wintringer Chapel Country inn and farm store (pilgrims' stamp station, accommodation, catering), Gabi Hoffmann, GHoffmann@buebinger-werke.deTel. 0049 6805 / 902-411
Auersmacher, Pilgrims' Hostel Old Farmhouse (Pilgrims' Stamp Station)
Manfred Paschwitz, Heidi Lang
Tel. 0049 6805 / 34 10
Tel. 0049 6805 / 75 89
Bad Rilchingen-Hanweiler, Barmherzige Brüder, Reception Haus Vinzent (Pilgrims' Stamp Station)Tel. 0049 6805 / 96 00
Sarreguemines, Sarreguemines city tour, Office de Tourisme (pilgrim stamp station), www.sarreguemines-tourisme.comTel. 0033 3 87 98 80 81
Sarreguemines, Stoneware Museum BliesmühleTel. 0033 3 87 98 93 50
Bliesmengen-Bolchen, Gräfinthal Monastery, Benedictine Priory (Pilgrims' Stamp Station)Tel. 0049 6804 / 68 36
Bliesransbach, Gut Hartungshof (pilgrim stamp station), Ute KesslerTel. 0049 6805 / 2 26 24

Pilgrimages on the Way of St. James through the state capital Saarbrücken

From the starting point at the collegiate church in St. Arnual, the route follows the towpath along the Saar River to the castle church. We recommend a visit to the museum, because in the castle church are the most medieval finds from the Saarland. Also worthwhile is a visit to the casemates, which takes you far below the Saarbrücken Castle. The Way of St. James through Saarbrücken leads you further past the Ludwigskirche to the Church of St. James, where there are two wooden sculptures of St. James from the Middle Ages. The signposts of the Way of St. James show you the way to the Deutschherrenkapelle, whose origins date back to the 13th century. The Teutonic Order maintained a hospice, probably also for pilgrims of St. James. Through the town, the path leads you to the Spicherer Höhe over the state border into France. In Gasthaus Woll you have the opportunity of a stop before you return through the Stiftswald to the starting point at the collegiate church.

Wanderkarte für Pilger

Map detail 

If you want to extend the stage, Halberg is also recommended as a starting point. Via the Mithrashöhle or Heidenkapelle you will reach the Stiftskirche via the Saarwiesen.

Tourist offers for pilgrims on the Way of St. James in the Saarpfalz district and the Saarbrücken region

To plan pilgrimages, especially if there are several stages with overnight stays, it is worthwhile to be well prepared. Below you will find the most important sources of information.


Saarpfalz-Touristik, www.saarpfalz-touristik.deTel. 0049 6841 / 104 7174
Biosphere Association, www.biosphaere-bliesgau.euTel. 0049 6842 / 9 60 09-0
Tourism Central Saarland, www.urlaub.saarlandTel. 0049 681 / 92 720-0
Tourist Information Region Saarbrücken, www.die-region-saarbruecken.deTel. 0049 681 / 9 38 09-16
Saarbrücken Regional Association, www.regionalverband-saarbruecken.deTel. 0049 681 / 506-61 40


Fédération Française de la Randonnée, Pédestre, Germain Schuler, www.ffrandonnee.frTel. 0033 3 87 88 19 92
Comité Départemental du Tourisme de la Moselle, www.mosl-tourisme.frTel. 0033 3 87 37 59 82
Sarreguemines, Office de Tourisme, www.sarreguemines-tourisme.comTel. 0033 3 87 98 80 81
Forbach, Office de Tourisme, www.paysdeforbach.comTel. 0033 3 87 85 02 43
Metz, Office de Tourisme, www.tourisme-metz.comTel. 0033 3 87 55 53 75


Pfalz-Touristik, www.pfalz.deTel. 0049 6321 / 3 91 60

St. James Societies

Logo St.Jakobusgesellschaft
St. James Society, Rhineland-Palatinate-Saarland e.V.
Logo Les Amis de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle
Les Amis de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle

Museums with medieval exhibits

Historama Hornbach Monastery, www.klosterstadt-hornbach.deTel. 0049 6338 / 13 65
Castle Kirkel with museum of local history, www.kirkel.deTel. 0049 6841 / 8 09 80
Museum in the Castle Church, www.saarbruecken.deTel. 0049 681 / 99 64-0
Historisches Museum Saar, www.historisches-museum.orgTel. 0049 681 / 506-45 01
Musées de la Cour d'Or, musees.metzmetropole.frTel. 0033 3 87 68 25 00
Cathedral de Metz, www.cathedrale-metz.frTel. 0033 3 87 75 54 61
Wanderkarte für Pilger

Pilgrim hostels

Saarbrücken-St. Arnual, pilgrim hostel "Beim Köbes" (for 3 - 6 pers.), Wolfgang SteffenTel. 0049 681 / 9 85 00 82
Auersmacher, pilgrim hostel "Altes Bauernhaus", sleeping on the threshing floor (up to 10 pers.), sleeping room (up to 7 pers.), Manfred Paschwitz, Heidi LangTel. 0049 6805 / 34 10 Tel. 0049 6805 / 75 89
Bad Rilchingen-Hanweiler, pilgrim hostel Merciful Brothers, 10 guest rooms (up to 20 pers.), house chapel for meditation or church services for pilgrim groups, 0049 6805 / 9 60-0
Saint-Avold, Foyer Notre Dame, 0033 3 87 92 12 92

Youth hostels

Homburg, Youth Hostel, www.diejugendherbergen.deTel. 0049 6841 / 36 79
Gersheim, Spohns Haus, Ecological School Hostel, www.spohnshaus.deTel. 0049 6843 / 5 89 99-0
Saarbrücken, Youth Hostel, www.diejugendherbergen.deTel. 0049 681 / 3 30 40
Saint-Avold, Centre international de séjour le Felsberg, camping.saint-avold.frTel. 0033 3 87 92 75 05


Hornbach, Hotel Kloster Hornbach, www.kloster-hornbach.deTel. 0049 6338 / 9 10 10-0
Blieskastel, Gasthof-Pension KlosterschenkeTel. 0049 6842 / 46 69
Blieskastel, Hotel Zur PostTel. 0049 6842 / 9 21 60
Herbitzheim, Hotel Bliesbrück, www.bliesbruck.deTel. 0049 68 43 / 80 00-0
Sitterswald, Hotel Restaurant "Am Markt"Tel. 0049 6805 / 44 12
Saarbrücken-St. Arnual, Hotel zur SchönbachTel. 0049 681 / 87 23 20
Saarbrücken, Hotel am Triller, www.hotel-am-triller-saarbruecken.deTel. 0049 681 / 5 80 00-0
Saarbrücken, Domicil Leidinger, www.leidinger-saarbruecken.deTel. 0049 681 / 9 32 70

Pilgrim catering and regional products on the way for groups from 15 pers.

Altheim, Landcafé Lambert, Beate LambertTel. 0049 6844 / 12 23
Blieskastel, Franciscan Monastery, Brother Darius, www.wallfahrtskloster-blieskastel.deTel. 0049 6842 / 23 23
Auersmacher, pilgrim hostel "Altes Bauernhaus", Manfred Paschwitz, Heidi LangTel. 0049 6805 / 34 10 Tel. 0049 6805 / 75 9
Bliesransbach, Gut Hartungshof, Ute KesslerTel. 0049 6805 / 2 26 24
Kleinblittersdorf, Wintringer Hof, Hofladen, www.lebenshilfe-obere-saar.deTel. 0049 6805 / 10 45

Lecture "Under the sign of the shell"

A search for traces on the Jakobswegen from Hornbach to Metz
Peter Michael Lupp, tel0049 681 / 506-6060,
Guided walks on the Camino de Santiago

Wanderkarte für Pilger

Encounters on the way

Cultural history, landscape and pause for groups from 15 pers. incl. pilgrimage meal.

Saarpfalz-Touristik, Tel. 0049 6841 / 10 41 90,
Tourist Information Region Saarbrücken, Tel. 0049 681 / 93 80 9-16,