On the way
Thoughts | Images | Music
Peter Michael Lupp, texts and photographsUlla van Daelen, concert harp
What feelings does being on the road trigger? Which images, which attitudes deepen being and the own and regional identity interwoven with it? Questions like these drive the Saarbrücken regional developer, author and photographer Peter Michael Lupp. During his hikes on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage routes, which he understands as "star trails," he has recorded his encounters in words and pictures.
On the road in 2010 he met the harpist Ulla van Daelen, who subsequently interpreted his thoughts and images with the harp, giving them a distinctive sound. Ulla van Daelen, multiple prize winner, composer and solo harpist of the WDR Radio Orchestra is one of the few exceptional musicians who know how to enrich concert life with her very personal sound language and unusual projects.

Together, they created a "sound book" that was published at the beginning of 2012. The thoughts, photographs and harp compositions woven into it open the senses to the spirituality of being on the road to a great destination. It is also about "learning to see" the special facets of the passing cultural landscapes at one of the seams of Europe.
On the way to regional identity
An appendix provides important background information and contacts on the European Way of St. James in the Greater Region, of which Saarbrücken is a hub. This also includes a short version in French.

The sound book On the way is an initiative of the Regional Association Saarbrücken, which is also the publisher. The aim is to make the history and the specific content of the European Ways of St. James, both in the greater region of Palatinate, Saarland, Lorraine, but also supra-regionally, tangible in interaction with the texts, images and music. With this, the Regional Association Saarbrücken follows the appeal of the Council of Europe and UNESCO, which jointly promote in the European regions to play the Ways of St. James cultural tourism and to strengthen the regional identity with creativity and sensitivity.
Regional Association Director Peter Gillo
Sources of supply
The sound book is available directly from the Regional Association Saarbrücken, Fachdienst Regionalentwicklung und Planung, Saarbrücker Schloss, 66119 Saarbrücken.
Contact: Anja Webel, Tel. +49 681 / 506-6147 Tel. , anja.webel@rvsbr.de
Nicole Krämer, Tel. +49 681 / 506-8001 Tel. , nicole.kraemer@rvsbr.de
Or in bookstores: ISBN 978-3-923405-45-9
Price: 16,80 €

Sound sample
Concert series On the way
The idea of the sound book gave rise to the nationwide concert series "On the way". Ulla van Daelen accompanies people with her sounds on their way to themselves at special "soul places" along the pilgrimage paths in Germany.

The concert series will kick off on 29.01.2012 in the Lutherkirche in Duisburg-Duissern.
Concert readings can also be booked upon request. Contact: ullavandaelen@t-online.de