Book launch: Sound book "Being on the road under stars"
Ancient music and thoughts on pilgrimage between space and time

The sound book thematizes the myth of the paths of the pilgrims of St. James, who in their search for the way in foreign lands sometimes also oriented themselves to the Milky Way, which points in the night sky in the direction of Spain. The thoughts and texts contained in the book are intended as a musical and poetic source of inspiration for all those who set out - even in everyday life - to pause and let themselves be accompanied joyfully between the times on the path they have chosen for themselves or on which they have been called.
Sources of supply
Academy for Early Music in Saarland,
Mechthild Blaumer,
Tourist Info Saarbrücken Castle, Tel. +49 681 / 506-6006,
Price: 18,- €
More informationBook launch: UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau - Inspired by the creative power of nature and its symbols
Inspiring book teaches cultural education for sustainable development through the language of nature

Richly illustrated publication in the format 28 x 28 cm, hardcover, 72 pages
ISBN 978-3-947148-02-8
Price: 9,95 € (nominal charge)
In 2009, UNESCO recognized the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve as the 15th model region in Germany and linked it to a mission: On the basis of the special resources of this cultural landscape, research and experiments are to be conducted on how people here can live and farm better in harmony with nature. The knowledge gained can be used to develop more sustainable ways of living and doing business and to disseminate them in an exemplary manner. But how can such a vision be credibly realized in a consumption- and efficiency-oriented society? How can people understand with all their senses what the recognition as a UNESCO biosphere reserve means and what opportunities unfold from it to initiate an increasing harmonization of man with nature and the biosphere earth?
Against the background that symbolic signs also play a role in all civilizations as a fundamental expression of life, growth and spiritual maturation, the cultural officer of the Regional Association Saarbrücken, Peter Michael Lupp, and the graphic artist Elke Birkelbach developed the idea of conveying the development potential of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau via the very own language of nature and to represent it in a symbolic image. For the "fleeting glance" along the highway sections flanking the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve, this special image has served for some time as a recognition sign of the Bliesgau UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. As an exemplary initiative for cultural education for sustainable development, the duo has now completed a subtle publication in book form that creatively decodes and conveys this SinnBild in a way that is close to the people.
The title is: UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau - inspired by the creative power of nature and its symbols. The content poetically illustrates the connections between man and nature. The "golden section" as a harmonious universal relationship in nature comes into play. It reflects the cognitive process of man with regard to his responsibility for the environment, its sustainable development and ultimately as a guide for a good life. The initiative for this came about in the Saarbrücken Regional Association as part of the strategic cultural work of regional development.
Nature speaks many languages. If we gain knowledge about it and look more closely, it opens our eyes to new visions of designing living spaces in harmony with it. The revelations of nature's laws provide us with the building blocks, so to speak, for a harmonious coexistence between nature and human culture. Our focus on facts, statistics and figures sometimes narrows our view. What is needed is a new form of storytelling and debate. Whoever wants to understand the deeper meaning of biosphere reserves must develop empathy for our habitat earth, and this awakens when people can translate and empathize with the language of nature. This is how the idea was born to derive a future vision of this earth from the Bliesgau biosphere reserve using the language of nature and its symbols, and to communicate it in such a way that as many people as possible can recognize and experience it.
Author Peter Michael Lupp and designer Elke Birkelbach
This publication and the accompanying educational campaign see themselves as an experiment in the dissemination of meaningful as well as ecologically, economically and ethically sustainable ways of life in the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve within the framework of cultural education for sustainable development. We want to create a new level of understanding, to discover nature in its holistic diversity anew, to perceive it consciously, to realize that we are a part of it and that we can improve our actions for the future through this knowledge. This is one focus of the UNESCO research mission for the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve.
Association Chairman District Administrator Dr. Theophil Gallo and Regional Association Director Peter Gillo
Sources of supply
Tel. +49 6841 / 104-7174

Book launch: Expanded new edition of the Poetic Documentation for Pilgrimage Walking on the Way of the Stars.

Illustrated book, size 245 x 290 mm, hardcover, bound, 568 pages (with French abridged version)
ISBN: 978-3-947148-00-4
Price: 25,- € (plus shipping costs)
Source of supply: Tourist Info Saarbrücker Schloss,
Schlossplatz 1-15
66119 Saarbrücken,
Tel +49 681 / 506-6006 ,
Publisher: Regional Association Saarbrücken

Book launch: "Way of the Stars/Chemin des étoiles"
"Poetic" documentation of a model project along the European paths of the pilgrims of St. James in parts of the Saarland, the Palatinate, Lorraine and Alsace.

A picture book for pilgrimage with the eyes and exciting background information. Format 245 x 290 mm, 504 pages, hardcover, French abstracts. Price: 25,- € (plus shipping costs)
ISBN: 978-3-947148-00-4
Source of supply:
Tourist Information in Saarbrücken Castle
Castle Square 1-15
66119 Saarbrücken
Tel. +49 681 / 506-6006
An accompanying website accompanies the documentation and, in addition to cultural tourism information and an interactive map, provides individual route planning for pilgrimages and searching for traces on the "Starry Path":
Lectures and readings are available on request. Contact:
Book presentation: Breviary "Festive gifts"

Holiday stories from
Arpad Dobriban (visual artist)
Peter Michael Lupp (Regional Developer, Regional Association of Saarbrücken)
Fred Schneider-Mohr (Pastor Prot. Christuskirchengemeinde, St. Ingbert)
Rudolf Schwarz (KunstSchäfer)
Insightfully, the four authors have highlighted from different perspectives a hitherto little illuminated topic: the power of rituals and ceremonies.
The breviary (52 pages, 120 x 230 mm portrait format, perfect bound with 21 color photographs, price: 4.50 €) can be obtained from the bookstore Friedrich.
Bookstore Friedrich
Rickertstraße 2
66386 St. Ingbert
Tel. 0 68 94/22 07
Fax: 0 68 94/3 95 16