Advance notice: Art project "SYNERGIES" by Ulrike Donié

Ulrike Donié - panel (detail)

Ulrike Donié - panel (detail)

Under the title "SYNERGIES", starting in May, the artist Ulrike Donié will thematize the long and arduous journey of man through a nature that threatens him to a threat of nature by man at the cultural site Wintringer chapel through the visual language of two opposite paintings on the west wall (panel painting) and on the east wall (Tondo).

The human being has developed about 6 million years ago from a being completely integrated in the nature until today to a being completely dominating the nature. The abilities to subdue the hostile world for physical survival have led to technical and later scientific achievements which are both a curse and a blessing. The legitimate interest in using nature to secure life has turned into an environmental and climatic destruction that is existentially threatening to nature and thus to man himself, and which can hardly be stopped.... Now in the course of human development different answers have been given to the same questions. Religions, politics, secular ethics, art and science often offer different solutions to the same problems, which makes orientation difficult... (My) art is supposed to support the process of becoming aware of the present environmental situation through its own symbolic language and mode of expression, which appeals to the subconscious of the viewer and is emotionally effective. Conflicting feelings are generated.

Ulrike Donié

Short vita and exhibitions

1961Born in Saarbrücken
1984-1987work college Saarbrücken (basic training)
1991Start of work as an artist
2008Artist in residence, Nagoya Art Academy, Japan
2018Kunstverein Emmerich (E)
Kunstverein Duisburg, June (E)
Kunstverein Soest, October (E)
Municipal Gallery, Kunstforum Neuenrade, September (E)
2019Pavillon du Centenaire Esch, Luxembourg (E)
Art Forum Neureut (E)
Art in the Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate (E)
Art Association Ingelheim (E)
Museum of Fine Arts in the district of Neu-Ulm (G)
Cultural Ring Meschede (E) (K)
2020New art association Aschaffenburg "strong women" symposium with exhibition large-scale object for outdoor "Big Bugs"
Kunstverein b-05 culture- art- nature Kunstverein Montabaur Kunstfreunde Lindau, art in St. Stephan (E)
KunstWerk Fellbach e.V. Fellbach (E)
Museum Koenraad Bosman, Rees (E)
Art association Meppen (E)
Art in the machine hall Scherlebeck, Herten (E)
Project space k-Salon, Berlin with Susanne Husemann (E)
Museum Pachen, Rockenhausen (E)
2021art association Weiden (E)
Museums Miltenberg (E), purchase Kunsthalle Hilsbach (E)
Museum Mölln (E)
Ladenburg Art Association (E)
Art exhibition Nature-Man St. Andreasberg
Art association Germersheim "VIELFACH NATUR" (G)
Art association Frechen (G)
Art association Bad Salzdetfurth (G)
Gallery Art Zone M1, Gera (G)
2022Periphery gallery in the sudhaus, Tübingen (E)
Gmünder Kunstverein, gallery in the Kornhaus (E)
Städtische Galerie Stapflehus, Weil am Rhein (E)
Art gallery "Altes Rathaus" Schwarzenbach an der Saale (Corona conditional on 2023)
Museum in the Deutscherrenschloss, Münnerstadt (E)
Cultural site Wintringer Chapel Kleinblittersdorf, Saarbrücken (E)
Museum Ratibor Castle, Roth (E)