22. November 2015

Advent at the Wintringer farm with work presentation "Il fait froid"

Nahaufnahme der bemalten Papierrolle des Kunstwerkes „Il fait froid“
13-17 Uhr
Advent market with sale of Advent wreaths, decorations, etc.
15 Uhr
Presentation of the work
Introduction: Peter Michael Lupp
Followed by a talk with the artist and discussion
Musical reflections: Hartmund Osswald

Program flyer

To the project page
4. October 2015

Welcome to the new country inn and pilgrimage station at the cultural site Wintringer Chapel

Landgasthaus Wintringer Hof

ecological (organic)
social (inclusive)
and artful

Country inn Wintringer farm
25. July 2015

Book launch: "Way of the Stars/Chemin des étoiles"

"Poetic" documentation of a model project along the European paths of the pilgrims of St. James in parts of the Saarland, the Palatinate, Lorraine and Alsace.


A picture book for pilgrimage with the eyes and exciting background information. Format 245 x 290 mm, 504 pages, hardcover, French abstracts. Price: 25,- € (plus shipping costs)
ISBN: 978-3-947148-00-4

Source of supply:
Tourist Information in Saarbrücken Castle
Castle Square 1-15
66119 Saarbrücken
Tel. 0049 681 / 506-6006

More information

An accompanying website accompanies the documentation and, in addition to cultural tourism information and an interactive map, provides individual route planning for pilgrimages and searching for traces on the "Starry Path": www.sternenweg.net

Lectures and readings are available on request. Contact: pm.lupp@web.de