Picture lecture/Discussion: UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau

About the future vision of a Saarland model region and the symbolic power of nature

In 2009, UNESCO recognized large parts of the Bliesgau as the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve. The Saarbrücken region, including the municipality of Kleinblittersdorf, is also integrated into the model region. But what does the concept of a UNESCO biosphere reserve mean in practice? How can the content and concrete utopias of the Bliesgau biosphere reserve reach the heart of society and become the driving force behind exemplary sustainable lifestyles for the people who live and work here?

During the lecture, the specifics of the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve and its fields of action will be highlighted and discussed from the perspective of ethical and cultural aspects. The symbolic power of nature and the wisdom inherent in it will be discussed. In turning to nature and observing it closely, man recognizes what he truly is. A child of the earth, who is well advised to fathom the wisdom of nature. Humans can gain access to these wisdoms and laws of nature and thereby participate more actively in a reharmonization process of their own personality, but also towards creation. People have been on the trail of this phenomenon since time immemorial: The doctrine of the "Golden Ratio", which can have an enormous effect as an impulse generator for thinking, researching and designing.

Ultimately, the citizen-oriented research mandate is: How can it be possible for people to get involved and understand themselves with their own personal thrust as part of the solution to the upcoming change?

Information on

Location: Old City Hall, Schlossplatz 2, 66119 Saarbrücken, Room 8 Literature Lounge
Duration: 2 h
Price: 6,- €
Pictorial lecture/moderation: Peter Michael Lupp, Cultural Officer Regional Association Saarbrücken Contact: VHS Regionalverband Saarbrücken, Tel. 0049 681 / 506-4343, vhsinfo@rvsbr.de, www.vhs-saarbruecken.de

Registration required.


Date: Tuesday, 19.6.2023
Time: 10:30
Course number: 1605E (Academy for the Elderly)

Date: Thursday, 19.6.2023
Time: 17:00
Course number: 1306