Places of art and culture in the Regional Association of Saarbrücken

In the Saarbrücken region, there are a number of special places of art and culture to be discovered, which either have a cultural-historical significance or belong to the building culture of the present and likewise pursue a public, cultural and artistic collecting and broadcasting mission. In addition to established art and cultural institutions, some of which are also of national importance, these include lesser-known places.

The Saarbrücken Regional Association strives to connect and develop these places into an informal collective and network. The unifying line is that they all develop and shape - in the most diverse ways - cultural and art projects as well as socially relevant topics out of the respective "spirit of the place".

In the context of a pictorial lecture, Peter Michael Lupp presents these places of art and culture with their individual potentials. The accompanying brochure about the "places of art and culture in the Regionalverband Saarbrücken" will be available free of charge on this evening.

Information on

Course leader: Peter Michael Lupp, cultural advisor Regionalverband Saarbrücken Contact: VHS Regionalverband Saarbrücken, Tel. 0049 681 / 506-4343,,

Registration required.


Location: City Hall Riegelsberg
Date: Tuesday, 14.3.2023
Time: 19:00
Duration: 1,5 h
Price: 0,- €
Course number: 9701

Date: Thursday, 21.3.2023
Time: 10:30
Location: Schlossplatz 2, Old City Hall, Room 8 Literature Lounge
Duration: 2 h
Price: 6,- €
Course number: 1605A (Academy for the Elderly)

Date: Tuesday, 21.3.2023
Time: 17:00
Location: Schlossplatz 2, Old City Hall, Room 8 Literature Lounge
Duration: 1,5 h
Price: 6,- €
Course number: 1304